7-Day Holistic Home Detox Program

    Heal Your Gut. Bring Your Beauty Inside Out.


    with Zia Kusumawardini and other guest teachers


    Pre-Recorded | On-Demand Course | Classes are in Indonesian



    Want to get your health back on track?

    Have you been:

    • Feeling sluggish and want more energy?
    • Struggling with weight and want to have a healthier relationship with food?
    • Feeling bloated and want to heal your digestive issue?
    • Wanting to have a stronger immune system and reset your body?
    • Wanting to have more glowing and clear skin?
    • Wanting to do all this naturally from home, without extreme fasting?


    If you said "YES" to any of the above, this home detox program is for you!






    Our gut health has a heavy impact on our skin.

    The gut is where 70% of our immune system lies. It's also where we metabolise hormones, absorb nutrients, make neurotransmitters, and detoxify the body.


    Because the gut holds a very high immunoregulatory role, it is very influential on other organs in the body - including our skin. This connection is commonly referred to as the "Gut-Skin Axis".


    When there are imbalances in the gut, it releases what is called pro-inflammatory cytokines. Since the skin is the largest organ in the body, it reacts to the pro-inflammatory cytokines in various ways. Such as acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, ageing skin, dandruff, and in some cases, skin cancer can develop as well.


    That's why it's safe to say that our skin is the external mirror of our gut.

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    In Ayurveda, a 5,000 years old holistic health system, there's an emphasis on our digestive health. It's said that impaired digestion is the root cause of all imbalance and disease.


    That's why Ayurveda outlines a holistic approach to strengthen and support our digestive health. Including diet, herbs, lifestyle, as well as performing detox.


    Even though there are many different types of detox programs, Ayurveda has the oldest recorded history of performing intensive detox procedures.


    Giving you a much-needed reset for your gut, while avoiding side effects, and providing maximum cellular detoxification.


    1. Assists in attaining a clear and glowing complexion.
    2. It helps to reverse the negative effects of daily living.
    3. It restores the natural state of health and wellness by bringing balance to the system and improving bodily function.
    4. Re-tune the brain's master control system, the pituitary and pineal glands, so hormonal control and enzymatic processes return to balance.
    5. Heals intestinal villi, improving absorption and digestion.
    6. Restores proper eliminative function of bowels, urinary, respiratory and sweat systems. If these aren't working great, then you are likely to build the toxins up again quickly.
    7. Balances hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia so energy is more consistent over the day.
    8. Cleanses the liver, flushes bile and restores the body's ability to maintain a balanced blood environment.
    9. Unblocks and restores flow to the lymph and its glands, bringing lustre to the skin and hair.
    10. The doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, will return to their original balance and function normally. The mind calms down, intellect and concentration become sharp.​


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    Improve digestion

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    Lose weight

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    Calm the mind

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    Bring glow to your skin

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    Strengthen immunity

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    "After learning from Zia through her detox program, not only do I understand my body better (i.e. healthy food to consume and to avoid for my body type), but I can see the result instantly: smaller waistline and losing some weight!"

    ~ Marella Regina, Lawyer in Jakarta for Holistic Beauty Detox



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    (7 Days)

    During this preparation week, you're encouraged to avoid certain foods to make your detox week smooth! And if you register for the GLOW membership, you'll also receive educational videos to help you learn about the program and the practices you'll do during the detox week.



    (7 Days)

    This is the main course of the program! This is when you'll implement the information you've been learning in the preparation week and enjoy the transformation process!



    (3 Days)

    The last three days are crucial to prepare your body before going back to everyday life and "diet". We'd highly recommend following the protocol of this refeeding phase to lengthen and maintain the detox result.


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    Zia Kusumawardini

    Learning Ayurveda and other alternative holistic healing modalities has helped Zia to overcome her health challenges. From scoliosis and adult acne to weight issues and emotional trauma, Zia has faced all sorts of personal crises.


    She has come to realise all of these challenges were signs of understanding more about herself and the total environment that affects her. Her journey also taught her that every human is born unique and gifted in their way. And that with the different body constitutions that each of us has, we're meant to fulfil a role and purpose that only we could do.


    Besides practising Ayurveda, Zia is also a Vedic astrologer, a yoga therapist, and trained in Qi Gong, dance therapy, and other different forms of bodywork. She is now on a mission to share her knowledge and experiences to empower others to take control of their well-being and create a life they love.

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    Sonia V

    Sonia’s journey into mind-body health unfolded during her studies in veterinary biology and animal sciences when her own state of well-being called her to listen and question deeper.


    With a formal background in the sciences and an interest in improving her health holistically, Sonia found herself drawn to sister sciences: Yoga and Ayurveda. Ayurveda is known as ‘the science of life’ that sees everything as medicine.


    Over the passing years since her transition from animal health to human health, Sonia has kept her main interest focused on mind-body wholeness and also enjoys learning about medicine through a wide lens, incorporating different perspectives both modern and ancient, eastern and western, scientific and philosophical. Her one-on-one Ayurvedic consultations are experienced in a safe and gentle space, addressing the unique individual’s health. (as Ayurveda does not follow a “one size fits all” approach).


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    Adeline Windy

    Adeline Windy is a certified Breathwork and Ice Bath facilitator, Buteyko breathing instructor, and founder of Singing Bowl Indonesia. She's been teaching yoga since 2013, and through her online platforms, she actively shares the benefits of conscious living, meditation and a plant-based diet.


    In her role as a mother, she also inspires other mothers on how to consciously raise and parent their children. She currently lives in Ubud - Bali and often travels to other cities in Indonesia for her teaching events.


    In this program, she'll be teaching a class on breathwork practice to calm the mind & a gentle yoga flow to help with the detox process.


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    You can start anytime you want! The freedom of your growth and learning is on your hand.

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    You'll have lifetime access to the program. You can repeat and re-learn the subject anytime you want. (Glow membership ONLY)

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    You'll get a bonus course that goes deeper on how to do the Ayurvedic daily rituals. (Glow membership ONLY)

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    You'll receive updates on every new upgrade of this program for FREE. As we learn and grow, so do you. (Glow membership ONLY)

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    Extra classes from guest teachers, to deepen your learning and detox process. (Glow membership ONLY)

  • before you continue...


    This detox isn't for you if:

    • You are pregnant
    • You are nursing
    • You are on a pregnancy program aka "Promil" (although, performing this detox before "Promil" can be very beneficial)
    • You have undergone major surgery within the past 8 weeks
    • You are severely depleted
    • You have been diagnosed or believe you may have an eating disorder
    • You are super-sensitive to herbs and supplements
    • Last but not least, it's not for those who only want an easy way to be healthy! This detox might only be 7 days, but it requires dedication and perseverance. The results? It will be worth it!
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    If you register for the GLOW membership, you'll also receive video classes and guides (delivered in Indonesian) on:

    1. Ayurvedic Detox (75 mins)
    2. Introduction to Ayurveda and The 5 Pillars of Holistic Beauty (60 mins)
    3. Finding Your Life Purpose: How to Create a Life You Love (60 mins)
    4. Ayurveda and Mental Health: How to Peace the Mind (60 mins)
    5. Perfect Digestion: How to Have a Happy Belly (52 mins)
    6. Balanced Nutrition: The Ideal Diet for Your Ayurvedic Body Type (55 mins)
    7. Daily & Seasonal Rituals: Ayurvedic Lifestyle for Longevity (82 mins)
    8. The "how-to" guides and demo videos on Ayurvedic daily rituals (e.g. tongue scraping, oil pulling, breathing practice & meditation, gentle movement & exercise, self-massage).

    A total of 9 hours of online classes


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    IDR 99.000


    + E-book of the program


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    IDR 599.000


    + E-book of the program

    + 9 hrs video classes with Zia

    + 3 hrs podcast on detox with Zia

    + Customer support with the Ayuritual team

    + Lifetime update of the program & classes

    + Video class on breathwork with Adeline Windy

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    "I've been learning and applying Ayurvedic practices since 2018 and received so many benefits. But the Holistic Beauty Detox that Zia created took my health state to another level that I never thought was possible."

    ~ Philida Thea, Content Marketing Executive in Bandung for Holistic Beauty Detox
  • Frequently Asked Questions


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    IDR 99.000


    + E-book of the program


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    IDR 599.000


    + E-book of the program

    + 9 hrs video classes with Zia

    + 3 hrs podcast on detox with Zia

    + Customer support with the Ayuritual team

    + Lifetime update of the program & classes

    + Video class on breathwork with Adeline Windy

  • Registration will be processed on weekdays.