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4 Simple Steps to Reveal Your Life Purpose

5 Minutes Read.
Imagine to have a crystal clear vision of the things that you want to achieve in life. Be it wealth, health, love, or any other dreams that makes your whole body shaking every time you think about it! If you're still figuring what you want to do in your life, well, I wrote this blog special for you :)
Last week, Kimmana and I went to a 3 days workshop here at The Sanctuary, Thailand. If you’ve been following my instagram account, I mentioned that it was a Neuro-Linguistic Programming workshop or known as NLP.
In brief, this workshop was customised to enable the participants to work on our personal goals. We spent 3 days working directly on our goals and left fully empowered to jump into our next life chapter. 
broken image
The beautiful path to the workshop hall.
There are more than 20 NLP tools that the facilitator - Dr. Glynn - shared during this workshop that can help me to create a lasting change that I want to have in my life. So what is the change that I want to embrace?
To keep me going towards my goal.
As a creative type of person, I love to create new things. Every minutes, there’s always new ideas popping up in my head. The downfall for having a dominant vata mind like mine is that I don’t like routine or repetitive task! It drives me nuts if I need to do the same thing again and again and again. Yet apparently, it’s the non-creative repetitive work that actually will make the brilliant ideas to something that is real!
Before going to all the details of the tools that can help us to achieve our goal, the very first thing that we would need to figure out is to know:
This is the ‘WHY’ - the reason on everything that we do. This mission should be crystal clear in our mind, not only that we remember in our head, but all the cellulars in our being embody it so much as if we already receive it!
I always knew that I want to help people, I want to travel the world, I want to learn continuously that can make me a better person, and of course I want wear beautiful clothes and eat great food for the rest of my life lol. Yet I was always confused if I need to describe my life mission in just 1 sentence, or short enough that even stranger can understand it in short amount of time.
I also don’t think it’s fully wrong to make money, fame, or status as the reason for the things that we do. But it takes more than just those 3 things to make us stay engaged and motivated for a longer period of time.
On the other hand, I strongly believe that there’s a bigger picture for life.
I believe that everyone is born with their own unique purpose and it’s my task to fulfil the life mission that I was born for. Although, I also think that in different phases of life this mission will also change and adjust to the circumstances. So, no need to worry if it keeps changing :)
These questions below was one of the activities during the workshop that I found really easy and simple to figure out what is our life mission. The great part is that it doesn’t take more than 15 mins to find out the answer!
Prepare 1 blank paper. Divide your paper into 3 columns.
1st question
Write down on the 1st column, 3 goals you achieved in your past.
Now write on the 2nd columns, the higher intention of each of those 3 goals.
Now find the common goal between the 3, and write it on the 3rd columns.
2nd question
Identify 3 people whose life paths and actions you admire. Write it on the 1st column in the 2nd row.
What was the higher purpose of each of their actions? Write it on the 2nd column in the 2nd row.
What purpose did these 3 people share? Write it on the 3rd column in the 2nd row.
3rd question
Name 3 activities that give you a sense of excitement. Write it on the 1st column in the 3rd row.
What do they all have in common?  Write down the common theme on the 3rd column in the 3rd row.
4th question
You are stranded on a desert island with a group of other survivors. As you interact and go about your survival, you notice something that you do, because it is what you always do naturally wherever you are.
What is it? Write it on the 3rd column in the 4th row.
Finally, collate the answer that you got in the 3rd columns.Your final task is to merge these answer together and formulate a sentence from them Et voila! You just articulates your life mission!
I found this exercise really simple yet extremely powerful to make me stay on the track. Anytime I feel distracted, I will envision my life mission in my head and whoosh… I’m back on my path :)
So, here’s my life mission:
“To continuously evolve myself and others, and collaborate on making the world a better place to live, while at the same time still having and enjoying the abundance of worldly pleasures and beauty that life has offered."
Hey, life is all about balance isn't it? All the great food and beautiful clothes that the universe has provided shouldn't be wasted, right? Lol.
If you find this blog useful (I personally do!), your friends will be really grateful if you share it with them :) I would also be happy to know what is your life mission? Perhaps we can collaborate to make this world a better place to live?
Curious who is Dr. Glynn and what NLP really is? This link will take you to the answers.
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PPS: Read my previous blog post here.